Sunday, May 2, 2010

You Probably Don't Care, But You Should

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Eddie Van Halen- those three names are all interconnected by the fact that they are all three geniuses. Einstein was good with science and numbers, Edison could take two pieces of wood and make the Taj Mahal if he wanted to, and Eddie Van Halen could (and still can, sorta) play the guitar like Yo-Yo Ma plays the cello. They were geniuses by themselves, and most likely would have created some sort explosion if all of their genius had been in one room at the same time.

Well, in the same way as those virtuosos dominated their respective arts, I (Alexander the Greatest/ATG, The Genius) have mastered the art of common sense. Maybe I don't abide by the laws of common sense 100 percent of the time, but I am on the right track to discovering many of the seemingly non-important issues that the world faces at this present time. 

Is it a coincidence that American children are becoming wimpier and wimpier with the rise of so-called "educational" cartoons such as Dora the Explorer (trust me, you'll be hearing WAY too much about Dora on this blog)? 

Why is the English language (and basically all language) so messed up? 

Which cereal mascot is the Dictator of Cereal Mascots? 

Not only will these questions be answered by me, they will be explained and analyzed in far too much detail. 

So why start a blog that nobody will probably care about/read? Because people should care and I don't want to forget all of these important thoughts/theories. So why not share all of this with the world? How can it hurt? 

At the very least I hope to convince at least one person to stop watching/forcing their children to suffer through Dora the Explorer/Dumb Idiot ever again. 

At the very best, I could be recognized for my incredible intellect and get a job from this stupid blog (I'm counting on this).  

I know you probably don't care, but you should,

-The Genius

1 comment:

  1. Alex, I agree! We will allow Chloe to watch Misterogers and Sesame Street only. I will make you cookies!
