Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Biggest Myth of All Time: "The Crust is the Best Part"

"The crust is the best part."

This is the most insane myth of all time. It just boggles my extremely intelligent mind (if that were possible) that people would EVER actually claim such a thing to be true.

I don't care what it is.

Whether it be pizza, a sandwich, and um...I can't think of anything else with crust, (pizza and sandwiches make up about 78.5 percent of the normal lunch diet of non-vegetarian American humans) but crust is not the best part.

The best foods are mostly the simple foods: french fries, mac and cheese, hamburgers. In other words, foods that kids like. So who better to judge if crust is really the best part than the collective group of snot-covered, bed-wetting five year olds? (There really is probably many other groups who would be better at judging food, most notably food critics, but I'm trying to make a point here.)

I can think back to when I was five, and while it is true that I do not remember much, I definitely recall not enjoying the outer edge of the bread on my PB&J (otherwise known as "crust"). And I'm pretty sure I was not alone in the pre-school community with this preference.

There is actually a product made called "Uncrustables." Terrible grammar? Yes. Catchy? Still, yes. But that is beside the point.

They're called UN-crustables.

If the crust really was the best part, technology is to the point where we could probably make an all crust bread. If we can fly to the moon and watch events taking place on the other side of the planet live, I'm pretty sure making an all crust bread wouldn't be a huge hurdle for modern science and culinary skill.

(Quick tangent: Does anybody actually like gourmet food? More expensive, less quantity, looks better than it tastes, features all sorts of wacky ingredients; yet somehow it has been decided that a truffle encrusted ball of gorgonzola cheese is better than a basket of french fries. No wonder we're in danger of being overtaken by robot supercomputers in the next 50 years.)

The point is, that crust is far inferior to the soft, angelic, melt in your mouth, center of a good piece of bread. Why do you think the crust is on the outside? Is it because the way bread is cooked makes it that way? Actually, yes, but there is also another reason, and it isn't because it holds the ingredients on the inside of the sandwich in. The reason is that you're supposed to work your way around the outside, so you can get to the more satisfying center. Any good sandwich eater takes on this strategy of maneuvering around the center by first eating the crust to ensure that the last bite taken has the maximum flavor potential (condiments and toppings usually tend to gravitate towards the center as well). And if you did not know that vital sequence of sandwich eating strategy, consider yourself welcomed.

If I ever have another person tell me that "the crust is the best part" I might have to literally tear their face off (but really just figuratively). And if you do think that crust really is better than the centerpiece of the food, don't mention it to me. Mainly don't mention it because I will have you investigated for mental stability and maybe get you thrown into an asylum.

Just do yourselves a favor "crust lovers."


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dora the Explorer: Destroying America One Brain At A Time

Everybody loves Bugs Bunny. Everybody loves Tom & Jerry. Everybody loves whatever the name of the show with the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote. So why in the heck do turd sandwiches of children's cartoons like Dora the Explorer exist?

Now, Dora isn't the only offender of this horrible crime, but it is by far the number one example. 

I challenge you to go to a preschool and NOT find a Dora the Explorer backpack, lunch box, or t-shirt.

It's ridiculous.

How do so many people let their children carry around apparel with a fat, stupid girl disgracing the outer shell? In the words of the great Mike Gundy: "makes me wanna puke."

If there was an Evil Power Rankings, (wait, there can be an Evil Power Rankings. I can do whatever I want, this is a stinking blog!) this is how it would go:

Top 5 Evil Entities 

1. Satan 

2. Osama bin Laden

3. Dora the Explorer

4. The Iranian Dictator with the Super Long Name That I'm Too Lazy To Look Up/Write Down

5. Ben Roethlisberger (Philip Rivers will always be better)

Osama has been holding on to that number two spot for quite a long time, and Dora is making a strong push right now. It's quite possible, in fact, probable that Dora has more followers than Osama. Osama's absence from existence also puts him in serious Jeopardy of losing the two spot. It's a matter of when at this point, not if.

Maybe these statements can be seen as a bit "hyperbolic" or "over the top," but if I wasn't protected by the soft safety blanket that is the Internet, I might be taken away by Dora's army of super villians in training right now. 

The big question is "what in the world was wrong with the other cartoons?" What super innovative technology has the Dora the Explorer (now to be known as Generation eXp) come up with? Oh yeah, NONE!

All the while, Bill Gates and his Mickey Mouse (not the biggest fan, but he's alright) influenced brain was busy producing software for the single most important piece of technology possibly in human history. 

Not bad, Mickey. Not bad at all.

We've seen what the non-Dora frame of mind produces: nuclear bombs, space travel, fried chicken; all extraordinarily amazing and incredible things that are unfathomable.

We are slowly devolving as a society, and there is one mastermind behind all of this- Dora the Explorer. What a feeble attempt to educate/entertain our children. Cartoons weren't broken, why fix them? 

What four year old doesn't love seeing a cartoon cat get beat up by a tiny, crafty  cartoon mouse for 20 solid minutes? Heck, what PERSON doesn't enjoy seeing a cartoon cat get beat up by a tiny, crafty cartoon mouse for 20 solid minutes? Any sane person does, that's for sure.

America has gone away from a basic formula on which it's people thrived: cartoon animal on cartoon animal violence. That's solid gold and we've flushed it down the toilet and are left with what remains. 

Remains happen to also have another name- waste. That's all Dora the Explorer is, a waste of time, energy, and brain space. And the sad thing is that it's all unfolding right in front of out eyes. 

How has nobody noticed the connection between the wimpification of children and the wimpifaction of cartoons? Well, now people should notice, and it's time to change. Change to what is right:  cartoon animals beating the living feces out of their peers. 

It's time to start the Anti-Dora Revolution! 

You probably don't care, but you should;

-The Genius (aka the Anti-Dora)

You Probably Don't Care, But You Should

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Eddie Van Halen- those three names are all interconnected by the fact that they are all three geniuses. Einstein was good with science and numbers, Edison could take two pieces of wood and make the Taj Mahal if he wanted to, and Eddie Van Halen could (and still can, sorta) play the guitar like Yo-Yo Ma plays the cello. They were geniuses by themselves, and most likely would have created some sort explosion if all of their genius had been in one room at the same time.

Well, in the same way as those virtuosos dominated their respective arts, I (Alexander the Greatest/ATG, The Genius) have mastered the art of common sense. Maybe I don't abide by the laws of common sense 100 percent of the time, but I am on the right track to discovering many of the seemingly non-important issues that the world faces at this present time. 

Is it a coincidence that American children are becoming wimpier and wimpier with the rise of so-called "educational" cartoons such as Dora the Explorer (trust me, you'll be hearing WAY too much about Dora on this blog)? 

Why is the English language (and basically all language) so messed up? 

Which cereal mascot is the Dictator of Cereal Mascots? 

Not only will these questions be answered by me, they will be explained and analyzed in far too much detail. 

So why start a blog that nobody will probably care about/read? Because people should care and I don't want to forget all of these important thoughts/theories. So why not share all of this with the world? How can it hurt? 

At the very least I hope to convince at least one person to stop watching/forcing their children to suffer through Dora the Explorer/Dumb Idiot ever again. 

At the very best, I could be recognized for my incredible intellect and get a job from this stupid blog (I'm counting on this).  

I know you probably don't care, but you should,

-The Genius